First Steps With Ether

Sat Jan 4, 2020

📈 Speculating

Now you’ve got some ether, what are you going to do with it? Well, one thing you could do is nothing. You could keep your eth in your wallet and wait to see what happens to the price. If it goes up: congratulations, you’re a cryptocurrency investor! Now you could consider selling your eth and withdrawing the money you made, subject to some fees. If the price goes down: you’re still an investor, but a sadder one.

📦 Sending

A more interesting thing to do would be to use it for something. The easiest thing you can do is transfer it to another wallet. The Coinbase app makes that straightforward: open your ETH walletl, tap the send button, enter an amount and enter the recipient’s address. You can specify the address by typing it, or you can scan a QR code that represents their address. Here’s the address and QR code for a wallet I’ve created.

Wallet QR code.


Why not try sending some ether to my address? 😛

If you don’t fancy that then you could try doing something interesting with your eth. This is a great time to introduce Metamask…

Next: introducing metamask

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